Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom Incarna Studios

Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom

Bandai Namco

Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom" is an interactive cinematic story that provides fans with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Gundam series in a new way and brand new story.

Co-produced by Japan’s entertainment powerhouse Bandai Namco Filmwork and Atlas V, and powered by Meta this VR experience has also benefited from the work of Incarna Studios, who was responsible for developing the Mixed Reality (MR) Bonus experiences: Battle Mode MR and the Mobile Suit Gallery.

Case study

Incarna Studios' work

In collaboration with AtlasV and Albyon, all areas of the studio were involved in bringing this project to fruition! From conceptualization to experience design, from programming to the artistic team: the MR part ofMobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom" is the fruit of our combined efforts, and reflects the total commitment of our team to this project!

Among the many aspects we worked on were :

  • Conceptualizing the entire MR experience
  • Iconography, user interfaces, visual effects (VFX), MR and VR environments
  • Replayability, enemy and weapon design, and the combat wave system
  • Technical R&D, in particular the integration of Meta Quest's Room Setup and the MR-VR mix
  • A dynamic dialogue and animation integration system, coupled with an audio and text language management system.
  • The balance between optimization, fun, difficulty and respect for the original universe

And many other elements aimed at providing the best possible experience.

We do everything we can to push the quality envelope as far as possible, while respecting budgetary and technical constraints, so that we can always be as proud as possible of our achievements!

Ils parlent de nous !


« On veut plus de shoot avec Gundam en MR !! »

« Réalisé par un autre studio, Incarna Studios, ce mode permet de jouer en réalité augmentée de façon très convaincante : attrapez votre gundam et guidez-le dans l’espace 3D vous environnant, les ennemis surgissant de tous les côtés ! […]

Haletant, ce mode MR s’avère être la pierre angulaire de « Gundam SP » : on se croirait devant un Star Fox en VR et c’est un plaisir de saisir nos gundams comme on le faisait, gamins… »
